Walter Morton was raised by the town of Hamden. He has been shaped and developed by its successes and shortcomings. Expanding upon his early experiences, Walter set out to make a difference, and his impressive resume demonstrates the skills, activities, and passions of a natural leader.
United States Army
Combat Veteran
Hamden North YMCA
Board of Directors
CT Energy Marketers Association
Director of Government + Community Affairs
Hamden Board of Education
Chairman, Personnel Committee + Finance Committee
VETTS (Veterans Empowering Teens Through Support)
Board of Directors
Town of Hamden
Director of Legislative Affairs
Ned Lamont for Governor
Director of Advance + 3rd Congressional District Director
Connecticut General Assembly
Clerk: Public Health + Transportation Committees

For decades, the town of Hamden has failed to realized the value of supporting economic development and has fallen short in attracting new businesses and residents, and in providing necessary support to those existing.
Missed Opportunities Include:
Investing in the town’s Economic Development Department
Cannabis Revenue
Tax Base Growth
Marketing Efforts
Maselli Farm Development
High Meadows School Project
Expansion of the Sewer in Northern Hamden
More Collaborative Private/Public Partnership with Quinnipiac University
The town of Hamden will only be able to lower its mill rate by increasing its tax base. Stabilizing and eventually lowering taxes requires increased business and residential growth achieved by an intentional economic development plan executed over many years.
Here’s my plan of action that will lower taxes by growing our tax base:
1. Review and modernize existing planning and zoning regulations to fit modern suburban life, allowing for greater density of businesses in commercial and industrial areas, and additional housing development.
2. Activate the local departments of conservation and development to identify key strategies for developing our 3 main corridors, Dixwell, Whitney, and State Street.
3. Streamline the process by which businesses and residents apply for permits to move projects forward, consolidating the timeline to weeks vs. months.
4. Develop a 2-3 year marketing and small business incentive plan with a funding commitment.
5. Implement a workforce readiness program to provide access to good-paying jobs across many industries.
6. Develop a business retention plan and continued outreach program to help solve for their biggest business challenges and nurture a climate that allows them to stay and expand in Hamden.
7. Continuously connect with Iocal commercial real estate brokers to understand our market and strategies to attract investment and new businesses.
8. Confer with the Regional WPCA to better understand the steps and investment required to consider expanding the sewers in northern Hamden.
9. Lead on the issue of Cannabis sales by encouraging all commissions to work together to approve sales in town and drive revenue.
As a Hamden High Graduate, 7-Year Member of the Board of Education, and YMCA Board Member, Walter has intimate experience with the Hamden education system and a unique understanding of what it takes to support our school district, its teachers, administrators, parents, and students.
Walter’s vision for our education system includes:
Supporting the Board of Education’s Plan for Early Childhood Education (Universal Pre-K).
Committed to working with the Board of Education to develop a sustainable plan that will racially balance our elementary schools.
Building partnerships with families and the community to provide additional support outside of the classroom, such as before and after-school programs, summer camps, sports programs, tutoring, and mentoring.
Investing in high-quality professional development for our Educators
Reducing crime in a community is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach involving various stakeholders, including law enforcement, community groups, local government, and residents.
Here are some strategies that I would implement to help lower its crime rate:
Community Policing: Work directly with law enforcement, local government, community groups, and residents to address the root causes, and build trust and positive relationships through community events, problem-solving partnerships, and proactive outreach programs.
Targeting Hotspots: We would take a data-driven approach to identify high-crime areas and implement targeted strategies such as increased police presence, improved lighting, and community outreach efforts.
Supporting At-Risk Youth: Invest in youth programs including after-school programs, mentoring, and job training to provide positive outlets for young people and prevent them from engaging in criminal activities.
Addressing Substance Abuse: Invest in drug prevention programs, increase access to addiction treatment services, and work with healthcare providers to reduce opioid prescribing.
Adequate Support: In order to achieve the aforementioned strategies, we need to provide police with the tools and staffing to support a more engaged community presence.
Improving pedestrian safety is an important issue for Hamden. Here are some strategies that Hamden would pursue under my leadership to help improve road safety for all who live, work in, and visit our town:
Engineering Solutions:
Work collaboratively with the Connecticut Department of Transportation and the South Central Regional Council of Government to identify high-risk areas, and implement engineering solutions to improve safety.
Leverage federal grant opportunities to help fund context-sensitive designs such as pedestrian crossing signals, rectangular rapid flashing beacons for mid-block crossings, road diets, increased crosswalk visibility, and improved sidewalks and street lighting.
Continued support for the Farmington Canal, working to add necessary lighting for year-round use of the trail by multi-modal commuters.
Education and Awareness Campaigns:
Launch public education campaigns to raise awareness about road safety - including the distribution of informational materials, hosting community events, and conducting targeted outreach to both drivers and vulnerable populations like children, seniors, and people with disabilities.
Increase the enforcement of traffic laws that protect pedestrians, such as speeding and distracted driving laws
Partner with law enforcement to conduct targeted enforcement campaigns in high-risk areas in an equitable manner while remaining responsive to concerns from Hamden’s black and brown residents
Complete Streets:
Adopt a Complete Streets policy - an approach to transportation planning and design that prioritizes the needs of all road users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transit users
Look to communities like New Britain, Connecticut who represent the gold standard in multi-year transportation planning and successful grant applications for best practices
Public Transportation:
Invest in public transportation options such as rapid transit bus systems with dedicated pedestrian crossings and improved pedestrian access to transit stations
Seek grant opportunities to upgrade our current bus facilities, providing much-needed, respectful support to our transit users with covered bus stops, digital information on bus arrival, and seating.
Prioritize snow clearing for our transit and Farmington Canal users commensurate with Hamden’s drivers
Partner on a Hamden/North Haven station on the New Haven - Springfield Line
Let’s create a smart measurable target for carbon reduction in Hamden’s municipal and school buildings. Here’s Walter’s plan on how to do so:
Enlist all Hamden educational facilities in the Area Cooperative Educational Services (ACES) school sustainability program, leveraging it to deploy solar, battery storage, and other renewable technologies to cut energy costs and carbon footprint
Deploy electric vehicle charging technologies at school and municipal facilities
Convert Hamden municipal vehicles to an electric fleet over the next three years, taking advantage of generous federal and state incentives
Establish a Hamden Business Sustainability Program (HBSP) in collaboration with the Hamden Chamber of Commerce to offer free technical assistance for any local business seeking improved sustainability and energy savings